Seattle Photo Prints - the easiest way to print photos at Bartell Drugs

Quality digital photo prints from your local Bartell Drugs stores. Order online and pick up in store the same day.


Seattle Photo Prints makes it super simple to select the photos you wish to print and then send them to your local Bartell Drugs store for printing.

You don’t even have to pay for the prints in the app! Simply pay at your local store when you pick them up your photo prints.

Photo printing made easy!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q:  What is Seattle Photo Prints?

A:  Seattle Photo Printss is a mobile app and website that allows you to order photo prints for pick up at Bartell Drugs.

Q: How long will my prints take to develop at Bartell Drugs?

Same day pick up is typically available when you get your pictures developed at Bartell Drugs with Seattle Photo Prints. Depending on how busy the specific store is, it sometimes can take longer.

Q: Is Seattle Photo Prints owned by Bartell Drugs?

A: No, Seattle Photo Prints  is developed by an independent product lab, MEA and is not owned by Bartell Drugs.

Q: Is Seattle Photo Prints a Shutterfly company?

A: No, Seattle Photo Prints is developed by an independent product lab, MEA and is not owned by Shutterfly.

Q:  Is this app similar to FreePrints?

A:  FreePrints sends out prints via postal service and you are required to pay shipping charges.  With Seattle Photo Prints there are no shipping charges because you pick up your prints in the store.  Depending on the order size and product selected the price can actually lower than using FreePrints due to the shipping.


Need help with your order?

Please contact our customer care team:

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